Friday, January 26, 2007

Realia untuk Sekolah

RuS (literally translated as Realia for School) is a relief-program established in April 2006 by Realia Language Training Center. The program is aimed at assisting the elementary education recovery process in Bantul regency severely damaged by the May 2006 earthquake.

Developed from the originally Realia’s Social Program, RuS strives to provide contributions in the form of books and stationary for heavily damaged schools and scholarship for students in Bantul area.

As RuS only receives ‘limited’ fund from Realia and several donors (mostly from Realia’s students and ex-students living in Indonesia and overseas) and due to the countless number of earthquake torn schools in Bantul area that are in need of assistance, RuS team decides to focus the relief program upon a number of schools only. RuS team employs data from UNICEF, OCHA and The Ministry of Education to determine the entitled beneficiaries of the program.

Up until January 2007, RuS has completed six aid-projects in Bantul and Yogyakarta areas and expects that the program can be continuously put into action, notwithstanding the limited fund received, since several schools in Bantul area are still in need of aid and assistance.

Project 1: Charity Sale

At the beginning of the project, RuS received donations in the form of clothing. Since the form of donation is abundant in quantity and the earthquake victims were no longer in need of clothing, RuS decided to make a better use of the donated clothing. Instead of delivering the clothing directly to Bantul, RuS held a charity sale where the donated clothing is sold to public. The first charity sale was held in August 2006 in the vicinity of Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. RuS used the money collected from the sale to purchase school utensils (books, stationary, etc) as a form of aid for the earthquake victim students in Bantul.

Project 2: SD Gondosuli

SD Gondosuli (Gondosuli Elementary School) in Imogiri, Bantul was selected as the first beneficiary due to the severity of the destruction. It has 212 students, ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 6. The school building was severely damaged by the earthquake. A temporary school is run in tarpaulin tents with anything that comes handy. The school had received notebooks, stationery, uniforms, and shoes from other donors, but textbooks were in complete shortage. The teachers admitted that it was hard to go on without textbooks.
Upon learning the situation, RuS decided to provide aid in the form os textbooks (Indonesian, Maths, Civics, and Science), along with scholarship funds for 40 very poor students. On Saturday, August 27, 2006, RuS team members, including several Realia’s students, delivered the textbooks and scholarship funds. The donation was received by the head of the village to be passed on later. he aid was received by the headmistress, Ms. Alfiah.

Project 3: Wonocatur

In August 2006, RuS received a letter of request from one of the earthquake devastated villages in Banguntapan, Bantul, to provide assistance for the children in the village. As RuS appreciates local initiative, and despite the fact that it was not a school, RuS decided to act accordingly in respond to the requested assistance. Based on the discussion with the head of Wonocatur village, RuS learned that the children needed stationery to work on their school tasks. On Sunday, September 3, 2006, RuS team members accompanied by several Realia’s students delivered 27 packages of stationery and notebooks to the children of Wonocatur. The donation was received by the head of the village to be passed on later.

Project 4: ABA Kindergarten

Rus received various donation from donors. Some sent story books for kindergarten, while others sent appelaing stationery only suitable for children and toddlers. Determined to make every single donation useful, RuS team member surveyed several kindergartens that would make better use of the donation. TK ABA in Kotagede immediately drew attention. Most of its 91 pupils are earthquake victims and in need of something to heal the trauma. To this end, as a means of education and entertainment, RuS donated children books and stationery. The books and goods were delivered at the beginning of October 2006.

Project 5: SD Giriwungu

Giriwungu Elementary School is one of the elementary schools in Imogiri that suffered from the earthquake. Ninety percent of the school building was destroyed as well as the facilities. They have received many donations, such as textbooks, stationary, school uniforms, and funds to rebuild the school building. However, the book donation did not completely cover the needs of each grade. Grade 6 students had not yet received Civic and Math Books. In respond to the situation, RuS decided to donate Civic and Math Books (25 books each) for Grade 6 students. The books is very much needed since the Grade 6 students would sit on final exams in May. We also donated 20 other books on Popular Science. The books were handed over on December 23, 2006.

Project 6: SD Pundung 2

The school building of SD Pundung 2 was damaged by the earthquake and regarded as unsafe. Therefore, the students studied in tents. Yet, later, some (Grade 3 and 4) went to a residential building nearby, an old chapel (Grade 5 and 6), and two renovated classrooms. Many organizations had given donations ranging from school apparels to books and rebuilding funds. Yet again, textbooks were lacking, while on the other hand the students (6 graders in particular) needed them to prepare for the upcoming final exams. RuS handed over 70 books (Indonesian, Science, and popular science) to help the situation. The books were handed over on December 23, 2006.

As RuS is in the process of implementing more projects the team members welcome any contribution aimed to help improve the situation in post-quake Yogyakarta. Should you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions concerning this charity programme, do not hesitate to contact us:

(Our weblog is currently under construction)

Contact Person:

Elok: +62 815 7871 4858


Language Training Centre

Jl. Pandega Marta V/6 Pogung Utara, Yogyakarta 55281

Ph: +62 274 583 229

Fax: +62 274 581 053

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Realia GATHERING 2007

Pada hari minggu tanggal 14 Januari 2007 Realia telah mengadakan acara “GATHERING 2007” yang diadakan di Balai Diklat Depsos, Sleman Yogyakarta. Acara tahunan yang telah lama absen dari kalender Realia ini kembali diadakan dengan sedikit perubahan pada ‘format acara’.

Jika acara gathering pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya lebih berfokus pada acara keakraban antar anggota ‘keluarga’ Realia, maka pada tahun 2007 ini acara tersebut sedikit dimodifikasi dengan memasukkan unsur pelatihan dan pelaporan ke dalamnya. Dimasukkannya unsur pelatihan dan pelaporan ke dalam acara keakraban ini adalah untuk menjawab tantangan terkini yang dihadapi Realia sebagai lembaga, sekaligus memberikan wawasan mengenai Visi dan Misi Realia kepada para staf yang baru saja memulai kiprahnya di Realia baik yang bergabung di divisi Bahasa Indoneisa, Bahasa Inggris maupun Multimedia.

Visi dan Misi
Pelatihan dibuka oleh Ibu Dyah Prasetyo Hening selaku salah satu pendiri Realia dengan memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai sejarah, Visi, Misi dan Tujuan pertama kali dibentuknya Realia. Ibu Dyah juga menyampaikan tantangan terkini yang dihadapi oleh Realia, yang harus segera direspon, sekaligus menyampaikan juga harapannya mengenai Realia di masa depan. Dikatakan bahwa seiring dengan perkembangan jaman Realia juga mengalami pergeseran priorotas dalam beberapa hal, namun demikian pergeseran itu tidak mengubah Visi dan Misi awal Realia yaitu menyediakan tempat dan memberikan pengalaman bagi para mahasiswa yang bekerja di Realia untuk lebih ‘mengenal’ dunia kerja secara umum dan lingkungan internasional secara khusus, selain manjadi tempat pelatihan bahasa Indonesia yang berkualitas bagi orang asing yang akan tinggal dan bekerja di Indonesia. Ibu Dyah berharap bahwa Visi dan Misi ini tidak akan berubah dan akan tetap menjadi trademark Realia sampai kapanpun.

Laporan Perkembangan Realia
Setelah Ibu Dyah menutup acara pembukaan, Bp. Yoga selaku Asisten Direktur urusan Pemasaran Realia menyampaikan laporan perkembangan Realia dari tahun 2004-2006. Laporan ini dibuat berdasarkan system Database Realia terbaru yang menyajikan trend perkembangan bisnis pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia secara umum di Yogyakarta dan trend perkembangan murid yang belajar di Realia secara khusus. Pada kesempatan ini para peserta GATHERING 2007 dapat menyaksikan tabel-tabel yang tersaji dalam presentasi power point yang menggambarkan perkembangan klien Realia dari tahun 2004-2006 sekaligus pemaparannya. Bp. Yoga menyampaikan bahwa paparan dalam tabel-tabel tersebut adalah hasil dari riset-pasar yang telah dilakukannya selama beberapa bulan di Yogyakarta, dan hasil ini akan dipakai sebagai dasar untuk menetapkan strategi pengembangan dan pemasaran ke depan bagi ketiga divisi Realia. Pada kesempatan ini juga para peserta mendapat kesempatan untuk menyampaikan ide-ide dan pendapatnya yang akan dipakai sebagai input tambahan dalam penyusunan program pemasaran dan pengembangan Realia.

Realia untuk Sekolah (RuS)
Ibu Pristi Kharisma tampil pada session berikutnya untuk menyampaikan laporannya mengenai program Realia untuk Sekolah (Rus) tahap I yang telah selesai dilaksanakan. Dilaporkan bahwa program Rus merupakan implementasi dari program sosial yang telah lama dimiliki oleh Realia dan menemukan momentumnya pada saat setelah terjadinya bencana gempa bumi di Bantul tahun 2006. Rus adalah program bantuan untuk sekolah-sekolah yang terkena bencana gempa bumi dan program ini didanai oleh Realia beserta beberapa donatur asing yang sebagian besar adalah para murid dan eks murid Realia. Dengan dana yang terkumpul dari sumber-sumber tersebut, RuS menyalurkannya dalam bentuk bantuan berupa alat tulis dan buku-buku bagi para siswa yang sekolahnya rusak oleh bencana gempa. Tim RuS, yang terdiri dari guru-guru Realia, melakukan survey lokasi, menentukan lokasi dan melakukan negosiasi dengan pihak-pihak terkait dalam penyaluran bantuan ini. Pada tahap I ini Rus telah menyalurkan bantuan di 5 lokasi yaitu di SD Gondosuli, SD Wonocatur, TK. ABA Bodon, SD Giriwungu, dan SD Pundong semuanya terletak di Kabupaten Bantul dengan bantuan yang diberikan berupa alat tulis dan buku. RuS juga telah memberikan bea siswa kepada 40 siswa di Bantul.

Setalah tahap I ini selesai maka akan dilanjutkan dengan RuS tahap II yang akan segera dimulai Pada akhir laporannya Ibu Pristi mengatakan bahwa RuS akan terus berlangsung karena dana untuk itu masih ada. Disampaikan bahwa RuS akan terus terbuka dan mengundang siapa saja yang berkeinginan untuk berperan serta dalam program kemanusiaan ini.

Pelatihan I: Cultural Orientation Training
Pelatihan Cultural Orientation disajikan di acara GATHERING 2007 dengan tujuan untuk lebih memahami budaya sendiri (baca: Indonesia) dalam rangka mengatasi masalah-masalah yang disebabkan oleh adanya gap budaya. Pelatihan Cultural Orientation ini adalah versi reversed dari program Cultural Orientation Workshop Realia yang merupakan paket workshop pengenalan budaya Indonesia untuk orang asing. Dibawakan oleh Bp. Kristanto Hartadi, dalam versi pelatihan yang lebih compact ini, para peserta GATHERING 2007 diajak untuk lebih mengenali budaya sendiri, mencoba mengerti budaya asing (baca: barat) dan mencoba mengatasi masalah-masalah yang timbul dari adanya perbedaan budaya. Training selama 1,5 jam diisi dengan presentasi, simulasi dan diskusi .

Pelatihan II: Motivasi, Observasi, Win-win
Pelatihan II dibawakan oleh mantan guru senior Realia Bp. Muhammad ‘Iwan’ Kurniawan. Dalam pelatihan ini para peserta diajak untuk lebih mengenali motivasi diri maupun kelompok, melakukan observasi dan bagaimana bersinergi dalam sebuah team work untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Pelatihan disajikan dalam bentuk games yang bervariasi dan sangat menantang. Sebagaimana diutarakan Bp. Iwan, Inti dari game-game tersebut adalah untuk membantu para peserta untuk lebih bisa memotivasi diri, melakukan team work dan membaca situasi yang ada di sekitarnya yang akan sangat berguna untuk memaksimalkan kapasitas diri.

Door prize
Keseluruhan acara ditutup dengan pembagian door prize, dan pada gambar terlihat para peserta GATHERING 2007 yang beruntung mendapatkannya. Secara keseluruhan acara berjalan lancar, dan kombinasi acara yang walaupun cukup ‘serius’ ternyata dapat diselenggarakan tanpa mengurangi rasa akrab dan dekat diantara para peserta.

Realia Joined 3rd Marine Expeditionary Medical Assistance Team.

May 27th 2006, a devastating 6.3 scale earthquake shattered Bantul district Yogyakarta (approximately 15 kilometers to the South of Realia’s office) causing fatalities of more than 5000 life and leaving hundreds of thousands injured. Amidst the distresses and destructions following the earthquake, aids from various organizations, local to world wide, poured to Bantul in scores of forms.

The United States Marine with its 3rd Marine Expeditionary Medical Assistance Team reached the regency of Sewon Bantul in May 31st 2006 to provide medical assistance to the disaster torn district. A medical and logistic team consists of approximately 150 Marine and Navy personnel immediately established field medical facilities comprise of a clinic, an x ray facility and an operating room.

Language was the main barrier to the US nationality team members to communicate with the non-English speaking local patients. In order to overcome the problem a team of interpreters was assigned to bridge crucial communication between the medical team members and the locals who desperately seeking for medical attention. 14 of the total 25 interpreters on the job, were organized by Realia Translation and Interpretation Department.

From May 31 to June 10 2006, the interpreters assisted US medical staff members in all medical facilities as well as in all outreach missions. One of the officers of US Marines described that the role of the interpreters was fundamental in the medical team’s ability to conduct operations. Various of tasks were assigned to the interpreters such as: keeping and arranging medical records, assisting doctors in the operating room, escorting patients’ transfer from one facility to another, facilitating meetings between US Marine/Navy officers and Indonesian Armed Forces officers, doctors, government officers as well as local/national media reporters. The main task of the interpreters was to translate information between the US military forces and the local citizens.

At the end of the 11 day mission, the expedition has served medical assistance for more than 5000 patients divided in four categories and sent more than 100 outreach missions to several earthquake torn villages.

Hapi (in orange shirt) comforts one of the patients in the O.R. during operation while explaining the patient’s condition to one of the doctors.

Pristi and Lilis work together with one of US Marine’s medical staffs to discuss the problem of long line of patients at the clinic.

The doctors’ instructions must be interpreted carefully and correctly in order to be fully understood by the patient. Elok (in red shirt) cautiously conveys the doctor’s instruction to the 50 year old patient to roll to the left during one of many surgeries performed in the facility

Team of interpreters: upon completion of the 11 day mission in Bantul. Squatting on the left is USMC's Lt. Rob Woodard.
